Finding housing appropriate for families can be difficult. Offices meant to assist students find housing at both schools are relatively unprepared to assist. We are trying to work with these offices to identify appropriate housing. This including considerations of school districts and distances, transportation, and cost.
Syracuse Housing Authority is a resource that "exists to provide quality, safe and affordable housing, to create opportunities for residents' self sufficiency and economic independence, and to empower individual potential in an environment where people want to live, work, and build communities."
ESF has an Employee Assistance Program that is available to students who are employees. This invaluable resource is available to work with your specific scenario and find resources that best assistance you.
From their website: "Each State agency has an EAP committee,... who is trained by NYS EAP to identify, assess, and refer employees in need. Employees or family members experiencing problems are referred to qualified community providers. The program addresses whatever problems are affecting an employee's productivity. Individual problems can range from a need for information about child care or care for the elderly to serious difficulties with alcohol or drugs."
Your children's education is just as important as yours and we would like to help you make decisions about the area schools. Syracuse is fortunate to have some very good schools. W​e are interested in your experiences so that we can share what you have learned with others.
